Decoding baroque in photography
In this research, the photographic image of the world has the same paratactic construction as the linear parallelism of the barcode: the system of identification that allows and regulates the diffusion of goods and objects in the capitalist and globalized society. In this sense, this research is at the same time a reflection on the nature of the photographic act, that is, the act with which the visual identity of the world is built and diffused in the technological unconscious.
Barcodes, Bellevue, Zürich, 2016
Barcodes began in 2016 in Zurich and continued throughout France, particularly in Paris during the residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts (2018). The idea is to further explore the relationships that exist between Baroque and photography by reinterpreting the genres of photography par excellence such architecture and portrait.
The research aims to build connections with the avant-garde (see Moholy Nagy, Man Ray, William Kein, Gerard Ifert, Wojciech Zamecznik), and to deepen the studies carried out, especially those concerning light bodies movements, or human bodies during actions. The latter studies recall the chronophotography of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey.
The previous line of research on the “Barcodes”, consist of a series of 12 studies in 107 pages, as constantly updated and presented in a special dossier.